
Main public API for stillsuit.

For more details, see the user manual.

Note that this namespace constitutes the entirety of the public API; all the other namespaces in stillsuit can be considered to be implementation details and may change over time.


(connection app-context)

Given a stillsuit-decorated app context, return the datomic connection object that was associated with the context at the time (stillsuit/decorate) was called.


  • app-context: the lacinia application context (first argument to a resolver function)

For more information, see the user manual.


(datomic-enum app-context lacinia-type lacinia-enum-keyword)

Given a stillsuit-decorated app context and a keyword representing a lacinia enum which has been described in the stillsuit config, return the keyword corresponding to the datomic value for that keyword.


  • app-context: the lacinia application context (first argument to a resolver function)
  • lacinia-type: the keyword corresponding to a lacinia :enum definition
  • lacinia-enum-keyword: a keyword representing the value we’re trying to convert to its datomic equivalent

For more information, see the user manual.


(db app-context)

Given a stillsuit-decorated app context, get the most recent datomic db value from its datomic connection.


  • app-context: the lacinia application context (first argument to a resolver function)

For more information, see the user manual.


(decorate #:stillsuit{:keys [schema config resolvers transformers context connection]})

Main interface to stillsuit. Accepts a map containing various parameters as input; returns a map with an app context and a schema. The map can be passed to execute in order to invoke lacinia with its configuration.

The single argument to (decorate) should be a map with the following keys:

The return value of this function is a map with two keys:

  • :stillsuit/schema: the compiled, transformed schema definition
  • :stillsuit/app-context: an application context object

These two data structures can be passed to (lacinia/execute) directly, or there is a simple wrapper function execute that will invoke lacinia for you.

For more information, see the user manual.


(execute stillsuit-result query)(execute stillsuit-result query variables)

Convenience function to take the result of decorate and execute a query against it. The query and variables parameters are the same ones that would be passed to (lacinia.core/execute).

For more information, see the user manual.